Monday, April 19, 2010

I got it right that time eh?

Norfolk was very sunny last week. I got sun burned on my little bald spot.
We lived in a house boat for the week and it was very nice apart from the toilet system......... Least said, soonest mended. We also went out for a day on a small cruiser and that was very good fun. The only advice I would offer here is don't go out and back in one day on the Broads. It is a fairly remote area with little of great interest except, maybe, to birdwatchers and the speed of travel being limited to four mph for most of the time can make the return journey somewhat tedious. Please don't take this the wrong way, we loved the whole area but I think we got it wrong with our plans. Next time, I want to travel about and see much more of the area by boat.
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Friday, April 9, 2010

Oh this year we're off to sunny..................

It just doesn't have the same ring to it does it? However, as I have always wanted to go to Norfolk, I can hardly be said to be disappointed. The problems with the Merc are detailed elsewhere so suffice it to say I am really looking forward to not thinking on my feet for a week or so.
My thumb is just now returning to normal after a week of discomfort. It took several days before I could type without pain and even longer to be able to hold a pen and sign my name. The problem, I think, was more to do with the arthritis than the fall but, either way, it smarted a bit!
I re-sealed the roof last evening and I will check it tonight but I really think I have cracked it at last. Despite some rain over the past four days, nothing has come into the house so we live in hopes.......

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So far, so good?

Well, no sign of any more leaking despite heavy rain yesterday. I will probably remove the tarpaulin this evening and give it a good test over the next couple of days. I may even be able to do the first spray just before we go for our holiday.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A real fall this time.

With all my weight on my right thumb. Ouch!
There I was, on the floor with Samuel. We had the track just about set up and my knees began to scream at me so I tried to get up. Well, I managed half way and then descended very rapidly on to my head. To save myself from serious head damage, I put out my hand and, somehow, only my thumb connected. It is still hurting now and is actually stopping me from typing because of the pain.
We all spent some time at Pauls caravan over the weekend and a good time was had by all. On Monday, I did some more work on the leaking terrace and may have solved the problem for good this time. We have all watched the new Dr Who now and most of us think it's pretty good, even Ian who, for a while, threatened not to watch it because David Tenant had left. I also managed to catch the Jonathan Creek special on Monday and liked it well enough although I thought the plot was a touch weak in places.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Every so often,

the news is stunning and totally unexpected.
Anyone reading this will know that I have a smashing grandson called Samuel.
Before the year is up, I should have two smashing grandchildren as Lulu is 'with child'.
This is a most happy event, and you all have my express permission to be happy for me.
Not too much, I tend to get carried away.

The Micro Scalextric has now reached it's logical conclusion as I have bought as much as I need to, for now. I will set up a large track tonight and Paul and I can have a play ahead of everyone else.
I managed to fix the tarpaulin properly yesterday so we are no longer bothered by it flapping all night. I used the saw I bought cheap at Halfords for the first time and it was very good. My other new saw arrived yesterday, I bought an Exakt 320 for about half price and I am now equipped to saw almost anything at all.