Friday, May 14, 2010

Well, not quite.....

I was at The Royal Eye Infirmary yesterday for my check up. My eyes are OK but dry. So I have to use more of one of my existing eye drops and now have to also use artificial tear gel as well.  Life just keeps on getting better eh? I haven't done much else as bad weather and a high work load, both in the office and at home, have got in the way. I have achieved some good results in both areas so I feel, at least, I haven't wasted my time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

At Last...........again

This really is "At last" as janis is through her MOT and at a cost of only just over £200.00.
This is the sort of price you expect to pay for an MOT and some work these days so for a twelve year old commercial vehicle, this is good. I shall collect her this very evening and I will report back tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cometh the sun, cometh the workish feelings.

I managed to shake off the winter apathy at long last this weekend. I began the great tidy-up in the attic and I have moved the washing machine to its new home. I still have to run in the electric cables and connect them but the water is all done as is the drainage. The sockets for the washing machine side are already in but I have to install the pair on the freezer side next and then connect into the ring main. Fortunately, a short link only needs to be removed and the two feeds will re-connect the circuit again.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Woo Hoo! (Homer Simpson)

My test on the new PVR was very successful so I have now purchased a set of AVS software for it. This brings the family total of AVS licences up to three, I think we should get a discount! Joking aside, it's very good software and not particularly expensive either. It's good to be able to use tried and tested applications on important hardware.
On a much sadder note, I have just discovered that a close family friend has died of a brain haemorrhage this week. Young, compared to me, and with two teenage children and both parents still living. I didn't know Steven very well, we had only met at a few family weddings and parties but my mother was very fond of him. He will be missed greatly.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's astounding....... Time is fleeting.......Madness takes it's toll.

Yes, I got into a time warp yesterday. After a trying day at work, I decided that the two dual core Atom computers were going to be conquered and made to toe the line.

I began with the new PVR based on the new Zotac mini itx motherboard with the latest NVidia chip set. I needed to install an operating system and I didn't have a DVD drive available. So I had to remove the drive from my work station and cobble it up with a USB adaptor just to install the OS and software. Once I had the basics working, I was able to remove the DVD and use the network for the rest. The results are stunning! This is a very fast and capable system. It's so good, I am going to buy a second set of AVS software for it.

Then I moved over to the carputer. I had already installed the OS on this one so I fitted a temporary mains power supply and set up the new Mimo 7" touch screen monitor on it. Once again, stunning! The computer is very good but the monitor is amazing. There will be pictures soon.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Well worth the wait?

Glow Sticks! in RHSImage by Brandon Cirillo via Flickr
As has been documented elsewhere, I have been experiencing difficulties with janis and they have made my life somewhat complicated for a while. Now, most of that is sorted out and, pending the MOT, life should return to normal very soon.
As a result of the good news, I was able to enjoy my visit to "The Rocky Horror Show" on Saturday evening.
A wonderful show and a great cast but a few very annoying members of the audience who decided that nasty heckling was OK. I know that TRHS is supposed to have audience participation of a sort, but these few went much too far and could have spoilt it for the rest of us had not the cast managed to stay well in command.
On Monday, Hazel and I cleared our bedroom and laid the 3ply flooring prior to the new carpeting to be laid when all is ready. It doesn't sound much but it took all day and we are exhausted.