Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And a good time was had by all.

As advertised, we went to the wedding over the weekend and jolly good it was! The bride looked wonderful, the groom was very well behaved and the best man and father of the bride were both very succinct and very clever with their speeches. The food was excellent and the weather was good, what more did we need?
On the day after our return, Hazel went potty with paint and brush and has, all but, finished the downstairs paintwork. I shall do the final bits tonight.
Hopefully, I have stemmed the flow of spam that purported to have been sent from my oldest email account. The  address has been deep frozen until I consider it safe to use again. In the meantime, those who need to know have had another address sent to them for use. It was the first time it had happened to me and I was amazed at the speed the problem travelled at.  Within less than two days, most of my friends had been encouraged to buy Viagra on my say-so. The most outraged was my god daughter and I don't blame her.

There will now follow, a short break in transmission whilst I change jobs and feel a bit poorly for a while.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All the edges

or at least, most of them. I did the skirting and architrave yesterday and it looks good. Except for the bits I missed. My excuse is that it was dark and I was knackered after possibly the heaviest day at work in years. I hope to tidy the missed areas up and, maybe, paint a couple more doors this evening. Then, tomorrow, it's off to Yate to see the family and go to the wedding.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Your door it was apricot................(corrupted version of Carly Simon lyric)

I painted the inside of the front door yesterday, apricot. It seems a trifle bright to me but it's Sally's choice and, after all, she is the one who will have to look at it most. Tonight I hope to remove the lock, undercoat the bald spots and then refit a lock for overnight security. A some point, I will fit the new white lock and also replace the old door furniture with new. Tonight should also see the next door or two painted although I should really paint the skirting and architrave first.
I am really peed off about my email situation, I have taken great pains to protect my addresses and now, suddenly, I have been hacked. I am lucky, in a way, as I have made a point of, not only having many more email accounts, but also having total control of my accounts so that I am able to switch off the stuff and switch to another one.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Time on my hands (Song from the 40's)

Not quite yet but Trev is back and I am managing to keep up still. I also finished the undercoating in the hall yesterday so, this evening, I intend to do some fine sanding and then, on with the top coat.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fairy footsteps

National Lampoon's Animal HouseImage via Wikipedia
Well, an interesting day, yesterday. I have continued to add software to my office PC and feel less depressed about it as the hours go by. I managed to do the first coat of undercoat on the new middle door and second coat on the surround to it. Later, I watched "Animal House" for the first time in about 30 years and laughed myself silly. I had forgotten just how good that movie was. The whole family are sleeping like the dead at the moment, it has to be something to do with the weather, I'm sure. I am normally a heavy sleeper anyway but just lately, I don't wake until the alarm beeps at me and, even then, I could just roll over and drop off again. In addition, I have begun to hanker after another holiday break. This is always a sign of boredom normally. Am I bored or is it something else this time? Retirement is looking inviting again.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Don't do as I do, do as I say!

I have, for over eight years, successfully fought off the re-imaging of my PC at work. It was a struggle but I managed it despite many insidious efforts by colleagues to pressure me into doing the foul deed.
Yesterday I was hog tied and my arm was twisted so far up my back, i could kiss my own hand in reverse.(I know what I mean!) In plain English, my PC crashed and no amount of pleading would let me in. Now, because I'm a techy type, I have ways of breaking and entering recalcitrant computers and extracting all the data needed to be saved away from the local hard drive to a place of safety. This I did and then, most reluctantly, I set about re-imaging my own PC. The new image was safely written by going home time yesterday and this morning I began the long task of re-installing the most important software. I have now completed that task and I will begin installing the less important stuff whilst trying to carry on working.
On a lighter note, Ian and I moved the freezer out to the laundry yesterday which has created major amounts of extra room in the kitchen at long last. We did try to move the big reclining chair from the attic to the front bedroom but couldn't take the back off so we gave up and will try again soon.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Midnight, come and gone.

The book arrived on Friday, I read it over the weekend and passed it on to Sally to read. We will both read it again within the month................sad 'innit? Hazel, Lulu, Samuel, Kian and I went to West Hoe park on Saturday and the boys had a whale of a time on the train and bouncy castle. Ian and I loaded the van with old furniture and electronics from the house and shed and took it to the dump on Sunday, made a lot of room.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

And a bit more.....

Terry Pratchett auf der Elf Fantasy Fair in de...Image via Wikipedia
I did a little bit more painting yesterday and then relaxed as Fred came to see me. The first half of the Chinese order, the thruster pod and the American e-book all arrived this morning. I was well pleased but I was expecting the new Terry Pratchett novel, "I shall wear midnight." and I have yet (16.24) to see it.
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