Monday, February 28, 2011

Coughs and Sneezes spread diseases,

Trap them in your handkerchief.      Sung to the tune of "Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles".

No sooner did I get back into the swing of this blogging stuff than I collapsed in a quivering heap with the common cold. Great!
I returned to work today to find that one of the young gentlemen in my office had swapped my N and M key caps for a laugh. I eventually spotted something was wrong but it took a while as I was, I now realize, touch typing prior to that moment. I now have to think of a really elegant way of gaining my retribution...............

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A quiet night in.

Being a Monday, I had a quiet and non-technical evening in mind. Not so, however. I watched some recordings I had on the Sagem unit and then, suddenly, I was informed that the drive had a problem and needed to be re-formatted. Naturally, being a techy man, I took no notice and tried to set up another recording. No chance, recording was now blocked by the O/S. There was nothing unwatched or to keep so I re-formatted and tried again. No chance, the old password didn't work and the Sagem doesn't have a standard password as it has to be set up on first use. I had to do a factory re-set before it would let me into the system and begin again.
I don't have a problem with this, in fact, as the software is very helpful and well designed for all other purposes. And, of course, in my case I lost nothing I wouldn't have deleted sooner or later anyway. My only worry is that someone who is not as tech savvy as me might end up going around in circles if they happened to have the same fault I did. I have now had a look at the Digital Spy forums and it seems as though my Sagem will happily transfer recordings to a stand alone drive so I will be testing that tonight.
Sall had her first paid gig yesterday and, it seems, thoroughly enjoyed herself.
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Monday, February 21, 2011

Still busy (After all these weeks).

Things are just beginning to settle down to a dull roar at last. Today, I have actually finished my logs about 40 minutes before home time, which is a first. On Saturday we went to B&Q and bought a new kitchen drawer unit. It's a wide one, 800mm, and very heavy. I spent several hours assembling and fitting it on Sunday and managed to make myself ill in the process. I felt pretty groggy by the time I finally sat down and my tinnitus went ballistic as well. All due, I suspect, to the unusually warm weather at present and the weight of the unit. It's a very nice piece of kit and was fairly simple to put together but it's just so heavy. Metal drawer sides and backs and heavy chipboard bottoms to them with a large front and long handle. I bought it, certain that it would fit where I wanted it. When I got it home, it looked as though it wouldn't fit at all. When we actually slid it into the hole, it was a better fit than I had anticipated so, all round, we are quietly chuffed with the whole thing.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011


I went to Timpsons like a good boy yesterday but the manager had slipped out for a crafty pee or something so I retraced my steps and found another shop almost opposite. Cobblers and Keys it's called and very helpfull staff who stagger their pee breaks. Also, they charge a penny less for the same job so that got my attention right away. I collected them this morning and jolly good they are too. My day started badly but it has gradually improved as the day has worn on so I will be going home a much happier bunny than I thought I would.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Once again, Pride Cometh Before A Fall.

I knew it was too good to be true. I will be able to recover it but some data has been lost and I suspect me as the culprit. Fortunately, I have been able to catch up with the problems fairly quickly and I am now hoping to have the whole mess sorted by the end of today.
I have a suspicion that my brakes may be binding slightly, so a trip to Mercare is on the cards. I also need to clean the o/s headlight and put in a new lamp before then so I can ask them to focus up the beams for me.
I will now hie me to the cobbler ( Timpsons ) to get my shoes soled and heeled.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2000 and frozen to death!

Update of an old Arthur Askey joke.

Driving in to work this morning, the windscreen was being cleared by the de-icer and wipers only to begin growing ice crystals almost immediately. It's a cold start to the day.
Later; a funny old day, close to disaster at one point but I managed to turn the tables so effectively that I'm now the greatest since.................
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Q: What's 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration?

A: Marriage.

Sorry dear. Well we made it to Bristol and back safely but the two journeys were not much fun. We had rain all the way on Wednesday evening and side winds all the way back on Saturday. Whilst there, I think we all had a good time although my son is so tired he managed to sleep quite a lot. He probably needed it, the life of a kitchen porter is hard.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Some day my prints will come.

Song of the anxious photographer.

I am doing my best to keep this blog up to date but, sometimes, I suspect fate is against me. I am still very busy all the time at work and now, due to family circumstances, I am going away from my PCs for a couple of days. Life is very complicated at the moment.
I have been looking at the weather situation in Northern Queensland and, like a lot of people, my addled brain is working overtime trying to get to grips with the ever increasing problems with both weather and tectonic activity.
Is it just coincidence that we have had so many erupting volcanoes,   devastating tsunami and unprecedented storms in the past few years? I begin to think not. I am now over sixty and I can remember very few natural disasters occurring in such a short space of time until this century. Worrying isn't it?