Thursday, July 21, 2011

And sows had silk purses

I have no idea, I read it on a bubblegum card.
The lads are really motoring now, the top coat and bottom six inches of black were all finished yesterday and about a third of the scaffolding was removed. The rest of the scaffolding is set to go today and a few remaining bits and pieces to be painted. Then they will away for a few days to fulfil another contract. When they return, the terrace will be sorted out and that's it for now. There are several other jobs we would like done but we will have to save for them.
The rest of the stuff arrived today and is well up to expectations. I have also resurrected my micro SD card that got washed,.......twice, in the washing machine and I will be using it on a roller coaster soon..............
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

If walls had . . . . . . paint.

Came home yesterday to all walls painted with the first topcoat. Very impressive and the colour looks a lot better in bulk than it did in isolation. Indeed, John has had enquires from neighbours about work and the same colour. The first of my ebay purchases arrived yesterday, a clapper board for Sal, she is always making videos, whether her own or acting for someone else. I look forward to the rest of the stuff, possibly, arriving today.
Part one has come, no secrets revealed, I am now able to crumple up a fiver and float it in mid air.
Foto personale di ShakaImage via Wikipedia
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Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekends can be fun

A lovely quiet weekend with my wife and very little distraction. The roofers worked both days to clear all the rubble from the house and have very nearly finished the two roofs now. Today has been good at work apart from the rheumatism in my right hand, very bad today. I have been holding it under the warm output from a laptop fan to get some relief. The motherboard and RAM for Denise' laptop arrived first thing and Dave had it installed and working by midday. The big deal is that the new board is better video quality than the original and coupled with double the ram, this laptop is now flying. I went a bit mad on ebay this afternoon and I must have spent nearly £15.00 on small bits and pieces for presents and a couple of cheap magic tricks.
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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Things can only get better

Title of popular song until the politicians got hold of it.
The old basket is getting better now but it took a while. The roof was nearly finished yesterday, just a few bits and bobs to go.The paperwork is now down to a dull roar in the background and I am closing logs again. It's funny about the paperwork, 'cos one of my reasons for wanting to move to this office was to get away from paperwork and now look at me. It's a better class of paperwork and a lot more interesting but it's still paperwork............

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wrong again!

The roofers know more than me about their work. In fact, what they did was to tile the attic roof first in order to be able to do the blend into the main roof in such a way that it remains waterproof. Doh!, I should have thought of that. They are now hoping to have good enough weather to be able to finish off the main roof today.
Apart from the roof, yesterday was not a great day. It started when Hazel gave me a fried breakfast. Not having had one for many years, it went straight to my stomach and just sat there festering. At the office, I had a big day organising a particularly complex move around of a whole lab full of computers. Just as a colleague and I finished the clever stuff, labelling each piece of kit to show where from and where to, we received the news that the van to transport all of this heavy stuff was going to be very late arriving. By the time we had moved the major part of it that was staying on campus, there was no time to deliver the odd eight that were moving to the Science Park. When we got home, Hazel made a special meal which I couldn't then eat due to acute indigestion brought on by the fried breakfast and the heavy labour of the afternoon. I went to bed early and slept right through, couldn't face any breakfast and have arrived at the office, still, with indigestion and making embarrassing noises. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

What a difference a day, or two, makes....

Yet another song title, I'm showing my age.

I neglected to mention that our roofers had not only removed all the old slates from the rear of the house roof, they had also repaired the structure and put in the new membrane as well. Not bad for one day. They should be able to finishthe roof today and may even be able to start on the attic roof as well.

Friday, July 8, 2011

It's all happening...........

Yes, the scaffolding was up yesterday and our lads had made a bit of mess. Not too much at the back but plenty at the front where they are preparing for the new paint job. Today may well see some work on the rear of the house roof as well with luck.
Not the greatest day health wise sadly. Hazel not great this morning and I have had a sore neck most of the day, probably tension 'cos Hazel was not well etc.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Colour me drab?

We have almost decided on 'Olive' as the colour to paint our walls. Olive sounds OK but it's the same colour that in the US is called 'Drab', and it is. My beautiful Oxford blue door will have to go and be repainted in some horrible green colour. No-one fell off or through the roof yesterday so that was good and the scaffolding is going in today. When I get home, I fully expect to see that the roof has been worked on and a right old mess made in the yard.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Up on the roof.

Song title.

Our roofers have now finished the front roof of the house and are beginning to work on the rear of the main roof.  The problem, as I see it, is that we have no scaffolding on the rear of the house until tomorrow............. So we have three men cavorting around on a steep incline with no safety net and at least part of the roof ready to collapse under their feet at any moment. I just hope their insurance is all up to date. 
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