Time, that is.
I am so busy at present that I am having difficulty keeping up with normal everyday stuff, let alone the bigger picture issues. The van needed the brakes sorted and, at the same time, the tax was due. So I booked in the van and then couldn't find the renewal form.......or the logbook. Oh joy, van is fixed but will be unusable for as much as ten days whilst various documents are sorted out. The brakes, however, are now working fine again and they cost less than the estimate too. I must say, Mercare are very good with price, service and timing.
The wall is coming along but I will need at least another two bags of ready mix to finish it off properly. The problem is that the part of the wall I have to do first is also in the worst condition. Once I have finished it, I should be able to get on much faster with the rest of the wall. But also, of course, once this part is finished, the bunny gets his new home and we all get to spend some time with him. There will be pictures.
The wall is coming along but I will need at least another two bags of ready mix to finish it off properly. The problem is that the part of the wall I have to do first is also in the worst condition. Once I have finished it, I should be able to get on much faster with the rest of the wall. But also, of course, once this part is finished, the bunny gets his new home and we all get to spend some time with him. There will be pictures.