Yesterday, I finished the actual bench and only have to screw the supports to the worktop at the rear to finish it off. Tonight, I will be re-installing the work station and trying to catch up with some work there and also trying to find some way of storing the Scalextric track that I had to dump on the bench in order to move my kit at work today. Unfortunately, there was a slight accident and, whilst all the kit is OK, the box was wrecked and is no longer usable.I am now in temporary accommodation in room 107 Smeaton for about a week until we all move into the team office which is being redecorated at present. Then, I have just over a month there before possibly moving back to Fitzroy. I say possibly as by then we should know more about the new structure and I may be better advised to stay here until I move to my new permanent office. Sigh!
I have just heard that my x-ray is set for next Thursday morning so not too long to wait before I find out just what the hell is wrong with me. This morning, I got out of bed without much pain at all and I was congratulating myself until I tried to walk to the bathroom. Instant agony. Hey ho.