Friday, November 30, 2012

A touching story.

Corey has been very clingy of late. Mainly with his mum but, to a certain extent, with whoever he is currently in the charge of. Worst of all, he has stopped staying in his bed all night and constantly tries to get in with his mum and dad. This has been running them ragged so, with a very early start this morning for Ian, last night Corey stayed with us. He had a couple of  'moments' but, in general, was a very well behaved two year old. I even got a couple of cuddles from him when, usually, he just ignores me. Needless to say, his mum was pleased by the result but secretly annoyed that he didn't play us up at all.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oh dear.....................

I upset a few people with my dislike of Bitlocker yesterday. It seems that two hours is peanuts compared to some similar software, I was quoted nine hours for less capability. So maybe it isn't such a time consuming exercise after all. It still seemed like a long time to me when I was doing it though.
We seem to have a small surge in the problems after deployment this week. Two laptops with no sound from the monitor turned out to be either a missing audio lead or a plug not fully pushed in. We have also got a Kingston lock that fell into it's component parts when the bag was opened. Cool! I have been forging ahead with the wiring in the bedroom this week and have now reached the point where power has to be switched off in order to finish the job. I'll do that on Saturday and hope that that's an end to it.
I've now spent a week with the new laptop and, whilst it's not as good as a desktop for most of my work, I have, reluctantly decided that it works well enough for me. i still don't like laptops but this one at least has a dual core i5 processor and seems pretty fast so it works for me at work.
I'm going through the usual pre Christmas frenzy of deciding whether to buy what for whom again. Some people are so easy to make happy and others so difficult. My daughter is an open book to me, I can spend very little and know I have bought the very item that will please her the most. My son is the opposite, I could spend a small fortune on him and, unless I buy him something he asked for, I will always be wrong. The rest of the family are all somewhere in between those two diverse points.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bitlocker, whither Bitlocker?

BitLocker Drive Encryption
I was, today, obliged to install and run this piece of software. I'm sure it's fine for most users but on our constrained system and being a Guinea pig tester was not a barrel of laughs. It took over two hours to complete and, during that time, I was not able to do much work on my laptop. However, at the end of that time, I have an encrypted hard drive and a remotely stored key to access it should it ever become necessary. Unless you really need the high level of security required I suggest that you don't use Bitlocker as it just eats up time and is quite complicated to set up. 

Wedges of pink grapefruit, lime, and lemon, an...I was aware that grapefruit was not on my list of foods that are good for me but it came as a bit of a shock to discover, this morning, that all citrus fruit is bad for people on heart drugs. This is going to change my life by quite a lot I'm afraid. From now on I will now have to exist without my favorite fruits. Doh!
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just one of those days?

Yesterday was diabolical. I can't put my finger on it but it was just one of those days you would rather not have had. Even my colleague, Ian, complained about my grumpy attitude. The only good time I had was at a meeting when I would normally be miserable, I hate meetings, this one was great fun though. I sat there listening to my new top boss running down all the areas that I run down only louder and in a more vituperative manner.
I kept nodding off all evening and, when I got into bed, fell asleep immediately. I suspect the weather is at the root of my discontent although, disconcertingly, the weather is worse today and yet I feel better today. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Things could only get better.....

and, fortunately, they did.
My back improved over the weekend as did my hip. Russ had family visiting so we didn't do more than say hello on Saturday but I was able to let him know that the network connection is now working properly again. Hazel and I went shopping on Saturday and managed to buy two super king size fitted sheets which are perfect and sooooooo comfortable. We are sleeping well!! Hazel has just begun her first week as a lady of, a certain amount of, leisure. She drove me to work, drove out to the industrial estate to buy a part for the boiler and made the appointment for the car to be serviced. And all before midday. I could get to like this.

Friday, November 2, 2012

My achy, breaky back.

Yesterday, being the first day of my working life without Hazel in the vicinity, was both strange and painful. I walked to work and wished I hadn't as my right hip joint began to hurt by Charles church and was really bad by the time I got to my office. The day was uneventful apart from being told I was released from the database project as the big boss had wanted me back on support. When I left work, it was hammering down so I called a taxi and waited in the cold and wet for fifteen minutes for it, shivering when I eventually got into the car. The bed and mattress had both arrived as expected and, after a family meal with Ian and Lulu, Samuel and Corey and Kian, I began to assemble the stuff. With help from Ian and the two older boys, I finished this by about eight and, in considerable pain by now, went and watched two episodes of M*A*S*H. Then I went to bed. The bed is great, the mattress is terrific and the quilt is smashing. The fitted sheet is slippery and seems to move of it's own accord. It must be replaced!
Number one daughter is safely in Paris for her mucky weekend with crafty Pierre and his mum so we wish her well in her.....................endeavors.
Hazel has already frittered a lot of her pension lump sum and redundancy lump sum away on two ISA's and a special savings account. It just goes to show, "You can't trust an accountant".