Thursday, November 28, 2013

Time is ticking away.............

Whilst the countdown above is correct, I have moved my internal clock to "working days" and they are going down nicely. I have reached 18 days and the anticipation is building substantially now. I always look forward to Christmas because the family are all together but this year will be very special as, when I leave work on Christmas eve, I will have finished forever.................woohoo!

Monday, November 18, 2013

And then there were five...........................................

Weeks to go, of course. I had a very brief taste of retirement on Friday last as I had a cold, or flu depending on whom you believe. By lunchtime, I was feeling ok again and managed to do several jobs that I had wanted to do all week but didn't feel well enough to do at the time. Anyway, I am now down to just  35days (and a bit) before I walk away from organised labour forever. A few bits and pieces arrived during the week and the railway track and racing car track are now complete so plenty of work there then. My week was made less boring than usual by Sally as she was also off work with a similar problem.
The other side of the coin was that Lulu finally went into hospital for her much awaited operation and actually got it this time! She is now recovering well and looking at an early homecoming, possibly today. Just knowing that the job has been done successfully has brightened her up immensely and it has even rubbed off on Corey so that he is less fretful that his mum is away for a few days. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Slow and steady wins the race?

I've always been a bit dubious about that one, I'm fairly slow and steady and I can't remember the last time I won a race. However, I currently find myself in a vaguely similar position at work. I have spent the past four years specializing in problems with Microsoft SharePoint. I now find myself working on almost all of the SharePoint problems coming into the support desk at the university. As can be seen above, I have less than fifty days left in my job. oops! I have tried to impress upon my colleagues and masters that I will be gone soon. "Yes", they say, "We must do something about that". Not so far guys. Part of their problem is that I actually like SharePoint, it suits my methodical 'Slow and Steady' way of working. Does this mean that, finally, I will win the race?