Saturday, December 6, 2014

Geek porn?

I can't be the only person to have spent the past ten days or so in a state of excitement because of the amazing happenings in the world of space travel. First we saw a European vehicle landing on a comet after a ten year journey and then, whilst still breathing heavily from that, the first vehicle designed for manned interplanetary travel complete an almost perfect first test and only miss the target by 18 inches. Better luck next time guys.

Friday, December 5, 2014


It's been far too long but I'm back and this might even prove to be the beginning of a bigger and better blog than so far. That's because I've been studying under the best blogger ever, Samuel Pepyes. I've been reading the diary for about two months now and I'm still only at only 80% read........And I'm a fast reader. Whatever, I'm now inspired to continue this blog. It helped that my daughter has just bought a new laptop and I bagged her old one. Of course, it wasn't working so I was obliged to clean a lot of connections and kill off a virus and 182 malware files but it now works a lot better than it has been for some time.
So, what have I been up to since May? Well, being a retired gentleman now, I spent a whole month of that time on holiday. Sadly, the payment for this has been that I have had to do a lot of work about the house culminating in re-building the downstairs shower almost from scratch. It's been worth it though as we now have a new bathroom and a new shower.
Anyway, I'll leave it for today and gather my thoughts in readiness for tomorrow.