Monday, August 3, 2009

Tuna anyone?

It was an interesting weekend, Saturday is already documented and the spelling mistake corrected.

Sunday, I spent all day working in janis re-building the mains input to avoid the sharp edges in the roof. The result is almost exactly as I imagined it would be except for the unfortunate fact that I have screwed the box up very slightly askew. Do I take it down and start again or ignore it because there is a fair chance no-one else will notice it anyway?

Van Helsing (film)Image via Wikipedia

I watched a bit of TV last evening and, just as I was about to go up for my shower, the movie "Van Helsing" came on. As it got such poor reviews, I thought I would watch the opening sequence and move on. Two and a half hours later, I watched the credits roll and tottered off for my very late shower.

The sisters are being pampered at present, Hazel is giving them little treats when she thinks I'm not looking. The latest is a tin of tuna between them. Not any old tuna mind, no, they get well drained spring water canned tuna because anything else they would refuse.

Tuna steak served in a French bistroImage via Wikipedia

(Very soft but heartfelt scream!)

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