Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Caught at last.

I have, for many years, fought a rearguard action against mobile phones. I got along fine without them for sixty years, why should I need one now? Well, unfortunately, my job has changed slightly and the security system in use for all the computers on campus requires me to telephone in to a central point in order to be able to work on a computer in the field. For almost all situations, this means a mobile phone. So I am now carrying and using one at work at all times.....................
The up side is that I am learning more and more as I go and that pleases me greatly. I also seem to be getting fitter as the weeks go by, as my back and neck problems have almost completely gone. I was used to waking up each day with stiffness and, sometimes, pain. Now, all that seems to be a thing of the past. Woohoo!

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