Friday, April 15, 2011

The National Health

Service is getting me down.
In some areas, it is amazingly on the ball. In others, it is falling at the first hurdle. For example;

  • From the age of 60, elderly gents like myself are offered a test for colon cancer every two years. My latest has just arrived! This is fine apart from the minor detail of it being such an unpleasant procedure.
  • Two letters from my GP, one requesting that I take an annual eye test and have the results sent to the surgery for keeping in my record. The other to ask me to make an appointment to have my medication check. Once again, very reasonable.
  • It took the Royal Eye Infirmary nearly a full week to supply my GP with official notification of my change of eye drops. Even then, they didn't specify the particular version and GP assumed the lower dose and I was supposed to have the slightly higher dose. Fortunately, the dispenser and the doctor I saw about it took a more helpful attitude and got it changed quickly.
  • The results of my cholesterol test of last week are still not in and so I have not yet found out whether it was a glitch or a reason to go on with my current diet permanently. 
  • After my INR blood test this week, I had my blood pressure and pulse rate taken. BP is fine but my pulse is very low, 50-51. So now I have to have an ECG just to make sure I'm still alive.

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