Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New roads.........................Pah!

For nearly twelve months we have had major road works taking place here in the east end of Plymouth. They promised us a quieter life and much improved local access as a result of the new road layout being built. They promised us a better gas supply as a result of the gas works. They neglected to promise us chaos as a result of the whole lot being done simultaneously. "Never mind", we thought, "it will end soon and all will be calm and we will have improved local access". Not so as you would notice. The new road layout began yesterday with traffic backed up everywhere. The police had two men speaking to every single driver that drove down Embankment Road and that really helped.......NOT! The new bus lane is, obviously, on the left side of the road but splits at the fork where Embankment Road joins Laira Bridge Road with bus lanes in both directions. This is fine for cars going in the Plymstock direction via Laira Bridge Road. Those of us who have no option but to use the Embankment Road side before turning left in order to reverse our direction now find ourselves squashed between the buses turning right and the cars turning right with no other choice but to stop dead in our tracks. And the police were back again this morning................... And our street was one way west to east and was due to be changed last Friday east to west. This didn't happen and yesterday we had people coming at us from all angles. Today, I checked the sign-age in the street and we have, possibly, the smallest stop sign I have ever seen, and only on the one side of the road. Of the internal signs, one is correct and the other still points in the original direction. The new entry sign appears to allow two way traffic and none of the original road markings have been deleted. The expression, "Booze up in a brewery" springs readily to the lips. Or something like that anyway.

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