Monday, March 26, 2012

Another Monday.............

and back to work. Pathetic title, I know, but all that comes to mind at present.
It was an interesting weekend with visits from Lulu,Ian and Corey on Sunday, Trying out my new(ish) camera in the sun for the first time and having a quiet day on Saturday apart from shopping. Russ has the lurgi so he couldn't chat on Saturday evening, indeed he was finding it difficult on the phone when he told me in the afternoon. Corey is now walking, just, and takes great delight in tottering around and grunting his appreciation that he is now mobile. After dropping everyone back home on Sunday, Hazel and I went on to the Hoe and that's when I tried the camera. On full zoom, I have some very sharp images. I admit to using the tripod and remote release but that was simply common sense. These aren't meant to be anything special, just some tests that have worked really well.

The two boats where taken at full 30x zoom but the view of the lighthouse was pulled back somewhat. The sail boat is passing in front of Drakes Island, the motor boat is returning to the Barbican and Smeatons tower is currently undergoing some TLC in readiness for the visitors this summer. My camera is a Fuji HS20 and I had it mounted on a Manfroto tripod and used a remote release in order to have no vibration transferred to the camera.

In order to see the full resolution of these images, left click on one and it will open in a new window at full size.

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