Monday, September 10, 2012

Oh, the agony!

I spent a week on the support desk which was good in many ways, the people, being busy all the time etc. Unfortunately, it was also not so good in others, the chair, the unbelievable boredom of repeating the same task over and over again. Still, I had better get used to it as, before very long I should be there one week in seven. My major pain though was caused by spending the weekend dismantling our built in units in the bedroom. I have managed to remove three quarters of them now with just a few bits to remove over the next few evenings. Sadly, with the removal of our big bed, I was forced to sleep on a single bed and the mattress has nearly killed me. I did it for the best reasons but, now I have cut off the mains electric to the lights and TV, I have moved into Sallys bed and it's just so comfortable when compared to the single job I was using. Tonight, I am off to Mount Gould Hospital for my MRI scan and that should give me a much better idea of how bad my hips are and how deep my arthritis is 
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