Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Location map of Malta Equirectangular projecti...
Q. Did you enjoy your holiday?
A. Not a lot, the best bit was spending time with Hazel. The worst bit was the rest!
Q. Surely there must have been some other good stuff?
A. Fair enough, we spent some time with our good friends and we re-visited places we had been happy and we ate some good meals and some prices were very low compared to the UK.
Q. But?
A. But Malta was in the middle of a minor heat wave, the air conditioning in our apartment didn't work and the temperature overnight rarely dropped below 85 Fahrenheit the whole time we were there.
Q. But isn't Malta currently having a major make-over to upgrade the islands?
A. True, the roads are all up and the new bus system is all up and running. Also, it seems all non Maltese are being gently pushed into just two areas on the main island. We were in what amounted to a slum for Brits. Most of the shops have hired British staff or are run by Brits so all you hear are northern or estuary English most of the time. The rest of the islands have Maltese owning and staffing them and they all now seem to be moving away from using English if they can, not that I blame them!
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