Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oh what a night..............

Late September 1962.
Or not really.
I went home at five, spent one and a half hours moving stuff around to make more room in the back room downstairs and then went out to pick up Sal and all her worldly goods from her old flat and bring her home. This took another two hours.
In the meantime, Ian and Lou had words because he had promised to be home by ten and he wasn't. Sal got involved, sent a very nasty text (as only a sister can) and she and Lou went to collect him. They all got back home again and Ian and Lou went to bed to argue some more / make up. Sal sat in the kitchen talking to Hazel. No one told me, I and the cats had been locked in the lounge to stop the cats (and me, presumably) from running out when the front door was opened. I watched about two hours of TV I didn't need to and finally gave up, went to the kitchen to be told not to worry, they were alright now. Went to bed and slept like the dead until six thirty.
The goodies from CAK arrived yesterday so I opened the parcel and checked them. I also built the first loom for the final fused system, very nice. Took Sal to Sarah's place and went to bed fairly early, I wonder why?

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