Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What a wonderful week.....

Not!!!When I collected the Sprinter yesterday, they had removed four nuts but left the jubilee clips on the hoses "because we didn't want to go too far". I was so mad, I was silent. Those who know me will realise that this is not a usual occurrence. What a bunch of smegheads! Fortunately, Paul has offered to do the job for me when we visit him in two weeks time. Just in time for the other work to be done. Thank goodness for families.
Once I had eaten, I had intended to watch a documentary about British Holidays of the past. All I could get was a tribute to Michael Jackson............. I am fed up with this!
This is the Diana thing all over again. I can't be the only person who feels that no one, I really mean NO ONE! merits this sort of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. He was a talented man and he died young. So have many entertainers over the years. That he was also barking cannot be denied, for whatever reason, he was a fifty year old child and run by his minders. I felt and feel sorry for the man but he did have a fairly decent life style to go with it so it wasn't all a bummer. Putting that performance on two terrestrial channels was a bad judgment. Later, I tried to get the network to function for Hazel and it simply refused. bums.

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