Monday, May 23, 2011

It never rains..............

As anticipated on Saturday evening when I was chatting to Russ, we are now two. Annual leave and sickness having removed the other three. James and I are coping within our own capabilities and, so far, all is well. Sometimes life gives you a shove in order to show you which direction you should be heading. Or something like that. Corey came to see us at 7.30 this morning, full of beans and grinning all over his face. The first I saw was him waving to me...........amazing, I thought and waved back. Confusion of small child and he has stopped waving now, Doh! Samuel stayed with us Saturday into Sunday and, it must be said, he was so well behaved and helpful. I find both my grandsons utterly engaging and wonderful, is that why we call it 'our dotage'?
As pay day is this week, I am expecting to buy some wood and set to constructing Sally's new stage set. It should be fairly straightforward to make the first pillar and once that is tested and working, the rest should follow. At some point, I will also have to build one of the Zig Zag boxes to test out the plans and the working of the illusion. That will prove to be more complicated I suspect.

I have noticed a follower called Gerry has registered. As you are pictured with a guitar, Gerry, could it be that you are the chap that introduced Hazel and I over thirty years ago? Why not post a comment, if you are, I know how to contact you.

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