Monday, May 9, 2011

That was the week that was,

it's over, let it go.
So much happened and still very little achieved. Hazel is feeling happier now though, she went back to the physiotherapist today and is now feeling a bit better. I had my dental work done on Thursday, the filling replacement was quick and simple with no needles, woohoo! The hygienist was very painful and I wished I had had a needle or two. Doctor on Friday and got the official results of my ECG and cholesterol tests. ECG was good, Blood pressure is good and pulse is fine for a man of my age on beta-blockers. The cholesterol is much better but she has now cut my thyroxine from 200 down to 175 and I have to go back in a few months to get checked again.
Unbeknownst to anyone, I have begun a small project that involves data collection and inserting it into a series of time lines. I thought of several ways of doing this but finally realised that the easiest way to compile all this data was in a blog. So I now have a small private blog that looks nothing like one but is acting as an online filing cabinet. It's surprisingly accessible and very easy to keep up to date. I recommend the idea.
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